Friday 18 April 2014

My Favourite Quotes

In need of some inspiration, here are some of my favourite quotes and sayings.

'Remember that guy that gave up? Neither does anyone else

This quote is awesome because it sums up life in general for me, if you ever give up in whatever you're doing, then you have failed. What are you going to be remembered for? What are your kids going to know about you? 

The General Message: Never give up

'If you’re absent during my struggle, don’t expect to be present during my success

This quote is all about remembering those that have helped you get to where you are and not being that person who hangs out with the fake people in their life who feed off of the success.

The General Message: Don't forget your true friends

'Who cares?

This saying is quite important for my life, it is a saying in my life, probably not everyone else's but I feel it should be. It is all about not caring about what people, that's only aim is to bring you down, have to say. Any time someone says something mean or hurtful to you about something you have done, just say this and walk away.

The General Message: Don't listen to negativity

'Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose'

This quote is from my favourite TV show of all time, Friday Night Lights. This quote means the most to me out of every quote, because this is my life mantra. It means so much that I have it tattooed on my arm. The clear eyes refers to not seeing obstacles and not being distracted, the full hearts means give everything you've got and the last part is self explanatory.

The General Message: Be focused, give your all and you will succeed