Monday 30 September 2013


All the time leading up to going to University everyone was really excited and one of the reasons for that was the idea of independence. I loved the idea of not having my mother nagging me to tidy my room, but now that I finally have that independence, it makes me miss that, because that drove me to actually do the things that needed to be done. Without that nagging, my room is a tip, my washing is building up, the dishes are never done, and the food I eat is very basic and poor at times. So my advice for anyone who is readying themselves for University; embrace the time before you leave, when you have good meals, your bedroom is tidy, and the place you are living is hygienic, and if you can, learn as many skills as possible so that when you are independent, it isn't actually that bad.

First Assignment

So the first assignment I got at university was to write a two minute monologue about anything and perform it in a few weeks. The only rules, it had to be two minutes and it had to feature a prop. I love writing, so I felt right at home with this. During the class, I was already writing and staging several performances. However I felt that when it came to writing them, I had no real connection to them. Straight from the off I had already decided that I wanted to do a serious performance as I was fed up with comedy, so I started thinking about my life and things that have happened, to jog the emotional memory. This came up with some good results, however it just seemed to predictable, talking about my own life, as myself. So instead, I took an idea from my own life and created a dramatised version, featuring other characters, so that I could relate, but still advance as an actor. At some point in the near future I will post the monologue and maybe even a video.

Sunday 29 September 2013

I'm Back

Sorry for the lack of posts over the last few months, however my life has been hectic. Firstly I was in the stage musical of 'Grease' during the last part of July and early August, playing the role of Sonny (the comedy role, surprise surprise). Grease was one of the greatest experiences of my life and I made friends that I am proud to call friends for life. After I had finished the show, my entire life became centred around the results that would define the rest of my life, A Levels. These were a daunting few weeks, however the results were in, they had been counted and verified and I got into Salford University, my first choice. So that is where I'm at at the moment, living it up in Salford. I have made some great friends and I'm enjoying the social life, I mean who wouldn't. I shall be posting more often now about University experiences, stuff that has happened and just random views and opinions I have.