Saturday 15 June 2013

The Dream

So the name of this blog is 'Chasing The Dream' so I bet you're wondering; what is the dream? Well my dream initially was to become a successful and famous actor, but recently that has changed. The dream now is to do what I love for a living; I want to perform and do nothing else. 

George Burns once said 'I honestly think it is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate'. Once I heard that, it hit me hard; I don't care how successful I am, or how many people know about me, just as long as I never stop doing what I love. If I work hard then sure enough a by-product will be that success and fame.

So the dream I'm chasing, is to do what I'm doing now for the rest of my life; Perform, create, showcase and give. Of course I have smaller dreams, like finding a wife, helping my family, helping people in need and others. I'm confident that if I work hard and push through obstacles in my way then all those dreams will become reality and I will have achieved self actualisation.

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