Wednesday 19 June 2013

The New Generation

Every generation has views on the next and I am no exception. All generations think that they are better than the next and one again I am no exception.

My generation is the generation that is run by the electronics of the world. On average a person checks their phone every six minutes. Over 200 million people have Facebook on their phone. Yes we may have lost some of the main values of life, like going to church and spending time with the family, but we have made so many progressions in technology some improving life, and some hindering it. However this can be seen as good, because it is encouraging creativity and teaching us that life has no boundaries, which will in turn enhance the human mind to see new ways. So yes, our generation isn't perfect, we still fight, there is still prejudice, but those aren't things that can be solved in a matter of years.

So, onto the next generation. These are the people who have taken our ideas and have taken it onto a whole new level. We came up with the idea of LOL, CBA, BRB, YOLO and many more, however the next generation have incorporated these acronyms into their speech, which makes no sense because when a person says "LOL" they are contradicting themselves because they are not doing what the word stands for, instead they are replacing it with a word. In the future are children going to say 'eat' instead of eating because they have become that lazy.

The next thing that they have ruined is the idea of cool. What used to be cool was things that you aspired to be or have, but now it means nothing as everyone thinks that they are the coolest person. It is a constant fight to be popular, to which girls will degrade themselves for the attention and the boys will lose all morals for acceptance. People think that it is cool to do stupid things like wearing short shorts in the snow, or wearing see through tights whilst wearing a thong, yet in the mind of the older people it is just a disgrace and repulsive.

My advice to the next generation would be to just relax, everything is not about acceptance and who has slept with a person first. Life is about enjoying the things you do, with the people you love. Respect and acceptance will come as a result of sticking to your morals and not conforming to the crowd. Change the way in which your generation is perceived, otherwise all the complaints you receive, you will deserve.

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