Thursday 20 June 2013


So, I had my last exam today (Thank God!) and it got me thinking that the next time that I study will be at UNIVERSITY and this made me want to blog about the next year for myself.

The next year for me will be the most exciting, because not only am I going to  learn about the media industry and get amazing masterclasses from presenters and actors, but my eyes are going to be opened to a whole new world outside of my small town in rural Lincolnshire. I will either be attending Bedfordshire or Salford University studying BA(hons) Performance Media. Both places are on the brink of culture heavens, Manchester and London, so either place I attend will definitely be an experience to remember.

Another great thing about university will be the learning curve that comes with it, not in the course but in life. I will become independent, have to work to pay for things, budgeting, doing all the things that I take for granted in my own home. I honestly cannot wait for this experience to branch out and try new things, however I will remember the people who got me this far, my friends, my family, and most importantly my teachers. I have already embarked on some projects to keep my in contact with those people, predominately the musical I'm writing.

So Uni, prepare yourself to experience Philip Marshall Junior, it's going to be one hell of a ride.

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