Friday 21 June 2013

My Favourite 3 Films

These three films are my favourites, and this was hard to choose, so what I did was look at the three films I watch the most, as they are obviously my favourites. Some films that I considered were Inception, The Departed, We Are Marshall, The Godfather, The Shawshank Redemption, Scarface, and a few others, but below are the top three.

Star Wars-
Alright, so this first one is a cheat because I am choosing the entire Star Wars series because it is just impossible to narrow it down to one of the amazing films, as any true Star Wars fan knows. Star Wars is filled with aliens, starships, lightsaber battles and of course Yoda. In the next few years this series is about to see the biggest thing ever as there are to be three more films made. It is questionable as to whether these films will keep up the good reputation of the Star Wars franchise, but let's not count Disney out yet, they may pull it out of the bag.

Shutter Island-
Ok, my next film is an absolute piece of genius, featuring one of the greatest actors of all time, Leonardo DiCaprio. The film is set on a prison for the mentally insane just outside of Boston and is a cleverly written film, which plays on the audiences mind. At some points during the film, you are left wondering what the hell is going on, but then the ending just puts everything into perspective and if you watch it again everything makes sense. The films twist is so intricately put together that you would never be able to guess what happens and for me that makes a great film, the not knowing what will happen.

This film interested me because it appeals to everyone because who wouldn't want to access 100% of your brain, making you the cleverest person ever, making the smallest tasks nothing. The film also shows drug dependence which is a huge thing at the moment so it is relevant as well as interesting. The acting is brilliant and they really capture the fantasy and the fall of this drug, and there are very few moments where I wasn't interested.

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