Friday 21 June 2013


Facebook, designed so that you could interact with your friends, wherever you are, share photos and opinions with those people, tell others what you are doing. And it was good for a while because it was used for those reasons. 

But now, Facebook is being abused because my feed is filled up with random videos of disgusting and pointless things along with pictures of half naked girls. And the Facebook famous thing is getting out of control with girls doing stupid things like having sex with their dog or eating a used tampon for attention. It's completely ridiculous because the whole idea of Facebook is ruined as all it is now is a popularity contest between girls with more makeup and boobs than brains and boys who think it is okay to flirt with 14 year old girls.

Now I'm not completely against Facebook because you can find extremely talented people like Ryan Lawrie and Claudia Stevenson and some of the videos are quite funny and can spark conversations in the real world, however in my personal opinion I prefer Instagram and Twitter to share things and with the new Instagram update I can now find funny videos on there. So if Facebook want to keep people happy then they need to have a huge rethink, but then again, the brand itself will constantly draw people onto the site.

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