Thursday 20 June 2013

Macklemore & Ryan Lewis- Same Love

This is a song which speaks to me because it is a song about no being gay yourself but standing up for gay rights. The song hits the issues hard, especially the truthfulness of the words. "Man, that's gay gets dropped on the daily, We become so numb to what we're saying" These words sum up the current state of society. We don't think about what we are saying and how it may be perceived by others. Words are possibly the most hurtful thing in the world, yet also the most cowardly thing. People constantly call people gay as if it is an insult, yet the word sums up a persons life. Why do we need to put labels on people. As the song says "No freedom until we're all equal, Damn right I support it!" I know that this will probably never be solved but honestly, just stop and have a think about what is so wrong about those people and why do they need to be the outcasts in society, when they are human?

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