Thursday 18 July 2013

Miley Cyrus

Ok so this topic has been one of the most talked about things all week and it is all about the child star who has grown up, Miley Cyrus. There are the two sides to the discussion, those who feel she has gone off the rails and is out of control and then there is the other side who just feel that she is growing up and it is up to her what she does.

So here is my take on the talking point of Miss Cyrus. She first rose to fame when she appeared on the Disney Channel as the sweet and adorable Miley Stewart, the daughter of country star Billy Ray Cyrus, who had a double life as the fictional superstar Hannah Montana. The show showed her life growing up and the viewers felt that they were watching her real life. Then Miley decided to try and part ways with the whole Hannah Montana and release music as herself. Then we slowly saw her start to leave the whole 'child star' image behind when she released 'Can't Be Tamed' where she was rather fierce and adult, to put it mildly. Now she has been doing her own thing with an attempt at having a serious movie career and then of course her controversial music career.

So that is the Cyrus story so far and I personally feel that she has made the right decision to break away from Disney, because if it was me I would feel that I had outgrown the channel. She obviously felt the same way and has tried to separate, however I feel that she went about it the wrong way about it. Her fans have grown up with her and they are now young adults as well, however she still has quite young fans and singing about sex and drugs and then having very provocative music videos will just enrage parents of those younger fans who look up to her and the older ones will always compare her to the child star they saw when they were growing up. I think her change in attitude was too sudden and it gave nobody time to adapt to the new Miley. It feels as though she woke up and decided to take every controversial artist out there and then combine them. I do admire her for taking the risk and trying to change because she stood up for her own life, however she rushed it and wasn't smart about it. I mean, look at Zac Efron, he starred in what is the biggest Disney Channel film franchise, but he managed to have a smooth transition away from child acting.

I will conclude that it's her life and it's up to her what she does with it, but that she also has to think about her fans and those young people who are very impressionable upon and she needs to think what is the right message to send to them. I personally love her for what she has done, but I'm 18 and old enough to make my own mind up, but those younger fans need a better role model.

Now                                                                                                            Then


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