Friday 19 July 2013

My Backup

So this evening I was thinking about what my backup job will be if I do not become a professional actor or something connected to that profession and I have found this to be rather hard because since I committed to a life in the arts it seems that I'm not qualified for anything else. So here are the options that I have considered.

Marine: I have always liked the prospect of the army and when I see the adverts for the Royal Marine Commandos, it just seems like such an amazing job. To do this job, I would have to improve my fitness, but I have taken a few practice tests for intelligence and I passed them with ease, so the physical side is the obstacle. To overcome this I am going to improve my fitness at university because this will benefit me in any job and in my everyday life.

Police: This is for the same reason of the marines, it seems like such a good job because you help people on a day to day basis and are recognised for your work. I should theoretically be able to get into the police force because I am intelligent, well appeared, and looking at the physical tests they seem to be in my capability.

Teacher: They say that those that can't do should teach, so this is why I have considered this job. I have always been good with younger people and have a decent rapport with them. Also I have always enjoyed helping people and passing on what I know to them. Yes most student despise their teachers, but I would have a different approach to teaching that would make students happy to come to my lessons.

Running my own business: This covers a lot of things, but it is something that has always fascinated me, being at the top of what you are doing, being in charge and doing something that you can call yours. I have had a few ideas for business, of which for obvious reasons, I will not divulge into, so if I were to pursue this I would not be going in blind.

Now some of you may be thinking that by having a backup, I am contemplating failure and this is negative thinking, however it is just a precaution. I will do everything in my power to become and actor, however there is only so long you can keep trying for before the ramifications of trying kick in. I'd rather not live with my parents in my mid twenties working in a crappy shop and going to several auditions a week without success, so that is why I have an exit plan.

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