Saturday 14 December 2013

Ho Ho Holidays!

It's that time of year when everyone wishes for snow and asks their loved ones for presents. It's the time of year when you have to suffer awkward conversations with family members you see only at this time of year. It is also the time of year, where everyone stops the arguing and just enjoys themselves and is grateful for all they have. Of course not everyone celebrates Christmas, but then again you probably won't be interested in this if you didn't.

So I digress, Christmas is one of the few times of the year of which the whole family is together and we all celebrate with one another. I personally love this holiday, not only because we get gifts, but because everyone seems more cheerful. People stop worrying about the small things and embrace each other more openly. Of course, I love the music, the decorations, and the food as well, but the happiness is the thing that gets me the most. Then I start to wonder, why aren't we always this happy, what is so special about this day, that makes the majority of the world stop for a moment and just enjoy life. I mean in World War One, it stopped the war for an entire day.

So could it be because of the birth of Christ, one part of the holy trinity, which brought hope to millions of people. It could be, Jesus in my mind is synonymous with hope and belief in the goodness of mankind. However, most of the people that celebrate Christmas aren't actually religious, they just know the tradition of the festive tradition. So why are we all happy on one day? It's because, on this particular day, there is a magical feeling, which just makes you not want to fight and makes you just relax and enjoy life. This one day, restores faith in humanity, because we think not of ourselves, but of others around us.

So to one and all, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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