Sunday 15 December 2013

My New-found Sobriety

Most people that know me know that I like a drink more than anyone on the earth. I earned the nickname 'Alcoholic', or at least I called a nickname to escape the reality that maybe, just maybe, I actually was that very thing. Once I got to university, the drinking escalated to the point where I was drinking everyday and without reason. I wasn't celebrating, I wasn't forgetting, I wasn't consoling myself, I wasn't having fun, but yet still I persevered with drinking as a regular daily occurrence. One day I was at a flat party in Salford and I had 6 beers with me; the plan was to drink all them and then get wasted on whatever I could find, but something that night clicked in my mind and I thought to myself 'Why do I need to drink, I'm happy and drink makes me the opposite.' So I went the rest of that night without drinking a single thing, then I did the same the next night and, to be honest, I was the happiest I could ever recollect. This made me make the life altering decision to quit drink all together. I can't say I won't drink ever again, it's probably an inevitability, but for now I want to enjoy life to it's fullest so that when I do have a drink, I know when to stop and know that I don't need to have a drink and it's a choice.

I'll leave you on a question. Is there anything you do that you have no reason for doing and that your life would be better off without? If there is, make the change and reap the benefits. 

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