Tuesday 17 December 2013

Dream Update

Seeing as though this blog is all about me chasing my dream and all my thoughts and views along the way, I thought it would be a pretty good idea to tell you all the status of my dream.

Well, at the moment, I am currently studying Performance Media at the University of Salford, near Manchester. This course teaches me all about the industry of film, TV and radio acting, as well as the behind the scenes things, such as editing. This is very helpful for me because I am a stage actor and if I want to break into the film industry I need to gain a whole load of experience so that I know what to expect and don't look a fool in front f professionals. I am also expanding my options by still working for the Riverhead Producers, a group that I was the first member. The aim of the Riverhead Producers are to get young people involved with my local theatre by putting on shows, whether it be music, theatre, comedy or art events. We are currently putting on an improv comedy night, of which I am going to present. I have stated earlier and in another post that I currently live in Salford, which is near Manchester, the new home of the BBC. The University of Salford has great connections with many major companies in the industry and regularly has people come in and do workshops; this means that I can gain valuable contacts during my three year stay there, even though I will probably move to Manchester permanently after uni. I will only be 20 when I get my bachelors degree so I will have plenty of time to break the industry.

My questions today I want you to think about are: What are your dreams? How do you intend to achieve them? When do you intend to achieve them? What do they mean to you?  

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