Monday 16 December 2013

A Time For Reflection And Change

As this year comes to a close in a few weeks, it is the time of year to celebrate the year and look back on all we did right and all the things we wish we could change. However as the clock strikes midnight and pushes us into a new year, we forget all that is behind us and look forward to another year of life and we also make resolutions that we wish to complete so that we feel we have bettered ourselves.

Looking back on this year for me personally is quite a proud moment because of all I have achieved; I took my A Levels and came out with great results which gained me a place doing Performance Media at Salford University. I also have done a lot of performing, including what I feel to be my best two performances to date; Anthony Hope in Sweeney Todd and as Sonny LaTierri in Grease the Musical. Grease was a major highlight for me because I am not the most talented musically or dance wise and to be able to pull of a principle role in a musical, with great feedback, was a massive achievement in my life. I also cemented a lot of friendships during the rehearsal period as well as making new friends for life. I have also moved out my home into a flat, which for me was quite big, as I had never used a washing machine or iron before.

Of course the year has not been all achievements, there have been downfalls of mine. I have been in love and fallen out of love, had a slight addiction to alcohol, of which has now been conquered, I have had injuries, lost best friends, been a jerk, and had a lot of trouble with money, but I choose to not dwell on those, as all have made me the man I am today, who is someone I am proud to be and is someone I hope will make all those around me proud.

I will post in a few weeks about my new year resolutions. So my questions today are: What has this year meant to you? Have you learnt from these experiences? Were they worth it? 

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