Sunday 23 June 2013


So today I was thinking about the significant decisions that have happened in my life and how those choices have affected where I am today.

One decision I made was starting to lose weight. Now, it wasn't drastic the amount I lost, but it was obvious that I had lost some because I had slimmed out. People that had know me when I was quite chubby were now coming up to me and telling me how slim I looked and how much healthier I seemed. This boosted my confidence and made me get out there more, instead of shying away because I was self-conscious. I maintained the slimmer form for some time, until I started drinking excessively, which started to make me seem chubbier again. Since I started drinking, I have had terrible moments where I was drinking everyday and then some where I wouldn't drink for a week and my weight was constantly changing. I made a decision to change my way and stop drinking, however I had a drink within three weeks, but this time was different as I had learned how to drink responsibly and I started working out again so my weight was back to being controlled. All these decisions about drink have led me to this point where I know how to control myself because I don't want to go back to drinking constantly.

Another decision that changed my life was joining my local theatre, because this led me to being able to act all year round and have an audience see me. This decision came about when I met someone who I know class as a very good friend, because they were the musical director for that seasons Pantomime, and he told me about the auditions. After this I saw my old music teacher and I asked him about whether I should audition and he encouraged me to go for it. So without those two people I probably wouldn't be going to University on the course I am going on. And I want to take this moment to say R.I.P Mr Shaw (who was the music teacher) and thank you for your words of encouragement.

My final decision was moving schools for Sixth Form. This decision was hard because I knew it would mean leaving a lot of good friends behind, however I knew it was for the best in terms of my future as it gave me the opportunity to do drama and media as a subject, which is what my University subject is a combination of. The decision also led to me meeting some of the best people I have ever met and some amazing teachers who have taught me so much in life. And if I hadn't made this decision then all of the other ones wouldn't have become reality, so this is probably the most significant decision 

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