Tuesday 25 June 2013

My American Dream

Since a young age I have always loved the U.S.A and have always wanted to move there, however some people have never understood why. I have never been there and I am through and through English. So this blog entry is to explain my reasoning.

My first reason for my love of America is that I have grown up watching American shows, such as Leverage, Friends, How I Met Your Mother, Rules of Engagement, Everybody Love Raymond and much more and the lifestyle on these shows trumps the lifestyle I have here in the UK.

My second reason is the opportunities that America offers. There are a lot more chances to break into show business over there, sport is taken more seriously with scholarships and proper teams and high school just looks much more fun than school over here.

The third reason is the beauty of America, sure there will be rough parts, like there are in the UK, but when something looks good over there, it looks amazing, but over here, it's just good. Take for example these two photos, one is of London at night and one is of Manhattan. Manhattan just seems more alive and bigger and better. London has a few good buildings and then not much else. 

There are more reasons but they repeat things made in these three points just in more detail, like the fact that I love American sport, so I will leave the reasons at these three.

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