Thursday 27 June 2013

My Week In Diary Entries

19/06/2013- So today started off like any other day since I left school, waking up at around 9:15, watching Jeremy Kyle, getting some breakfast (Weetos today) playing some PS3 until lunch. After I devoured a sandwich at 12:30 i decided to watch a film I have never seen but always wanted to, 'Remember the Titans'. Now the reasons I wanted to watch this film were:

  1. I love American Football
  2. I admire Denzel Washington
  3. I love films based around true stories
  4. I love films
I have to admit I loved the film and would give it a good 8.5/10. Then after I had watched that I settled down to do a good 1 hour 45 minutes of applied business revision ahead of my exam tomorrow morning. I then decided to come onto my blog and write my views of the next generation of people. I also updated my blog with some new features and also did my very first top 5. After this I watched the NBA Playoff Finals game highlights which made for a very exciting watch. That all brings me to now, where I'm writing this entry, after which I will go and revise until 9:00 where I will watch The Apprentice and then You're Fired, do some more revision and retire for the night in preparation for the exam.

20/06/2013- Today was my last ever exam in life and I personally felt like it went well, at least better than the drama paper on Tuesday. Afterwards I hung out with two of my friends for a while, until I eventually returned home. After that went job hunting with no avail after one hour. Now some of you are probably wondering, no wonder I didn't find a job if I only searched for an hour but trust me you can walk around Louth town centre probably ten times over in an hour. The amount of times people said that they didn't have any jobs at the moment was crushing. All I want to do is earn a little extra money before I go off to uni and so I can buy myself some things. But, oh well at least I'll have more free time to myself. 

After the horrible job hunt was over I rang up my bank to sort out iTunes, as I received my second new card which didn't work either. I was put on hold three times and called back four times until the bank manager eventually said that I only needed 10p more in my account for it to work because of some stupid test Apple do with new cards. After this waste of time was over, I came back to my blog and added some contact forms so that people can contact me. 

And that brings me to now. At 7 o'clock today I will be going to the pub down the road for a end of business meal with my classmates and teachers. The night will probably end up in a bar somewhere after we go out after the meal, so the rest of today should be fun. It couldn't get any worse surely!

21/06/2013- So today was my hangover day after last nights antics. Last night me and my classmates celebrated the end of our time as business students by going for a meal and afterwards hitting the town. I had quite a lot to drink leaving me needing a lot of rest today, so my day hasn't been very productive. It has consisted of watching television, listening to music, playing some games and eating. I have a feeling that since finishing school I will be having many more days like these, seeing as though there are no jobs where I live, but oh well that's life.

22/06/2013- Today was alright for me, because I got some more of my book written, which has now taken the length to seven chapters. The book for me is quite interesting to do because it is like no other project I have ever done. It is proving quite challenging because the limits of my creative writing so far in life is short stories, scripts for plays and things like this where description isn't exactly key

After I had written some of the book, I went to my room and had a clear out of all my school work, of which took up two recycling bags. The feeling was great because it was like releasing all that work and was almost as if throwing the stuff out was like saying goodbye to school, which is both scary and exhilarating at the same time.

The only other thing I did was watch some television and listen to some music. The main item of the day to watch was The Voice UK Final, of which Andrea Begley won, much to the nations surprise. My personal opinion was the Mike Ward should have won, not that it makes much difference because look who won last year in comparison to the runners up. 

23/06/2013- This day brought nothing special because I had nothing to do. I had a lovely roast chicken for dinner, played on the Sims 3 Pets on PS3. Later on I am going to go and watch Big Brother and possibly watch The Perfect Storm. I was planning on writing some more of the book, however I didn't feel in the right frame of mind for this task, so instead I had a lazy day. Sorry to disappoint.

24/06/2013- The main thing that happened today was my leaver's ball at school. We had a prom in year 11 but it was quite silly because it was supposed to be saying goodbye to most people, which for me it was, however most people were going back for another two years, however this time was different because we are all going off and doing are own thing.

The location was extremely posh and the food represented this, it was good quality but was enough to feed a mouse because apparently less looks better, however less doesn't suffice the £30 we paid for this food. However the evening was filled with amazing fun, dancing, chat and having one last hoorah with my mates.

At one point in the night a teacher, of whom I had never met before came up and said what a great actor I was and how much enjoyed the production of Sweeney Todd I was in, so that was quite flattering. We then had a chat about what I intend to do in the future and was I going to pursue acting as a career, of which the reply was yes.

After the meal was over we went back into town, I had a few drinks, got a kebab and chips and then went home for the night, so it wasn't the great hammered send off I was expecting, however it was fun none the less.

25/06/2013- So today was interesting, I went for a walk around Hubbard Hills, a massive park in Louth and I saw some of my old friends. I hung out with them for a while catching up on what we have been up to and reminiscing some old stories from when we were really childish people.

After that I went onto Facebook to see some of the images from last nights leaver's ball and seeing everyone's status about going to miss people was enough for me, so I quickly logged off and watched WWE Monday Night Raw.

Other than that, I went onto Sims 3: Pets on PS3 and did some architecture work, and created masterpiece houses, which kept me entertained for the majority of the night, until I finally settled down to watch my daily dose of bitching from the Big Brother house.

26/06/2013- Today I went out with one of my good friends, just to hang out because she was in Louth. When I went out we didn't know what to do so we went for a really long walk to my old neighbourhood where I lived some seven years ago. The neighbourhood was on the outskirts of town about one and a half miles away. The weather didn't exactly help the walk because it was sweltering and we were knackered because Louth has a LOT of hills. However it was all worth it because I saw lots of old things that were filled with many memories, saw my old house and just remembered what it was like to live in that area.

After that we went for a dinner at a restaurant with another of our friends. It was great to catch up over dinner since we left school. Overall the day out in town was quite fun because it was filled with old and new memories.

After I went home, I didn't really do much, other than make a list of day to day essentials for university that my mum wanted me to make so that she could see what I thought I needed on a daily basis. The list was quite long and apparently you don't need a hammer on an average day. After that I had my second burger of the day (after having a Tennessee burger for dinner and a beef burger for tea) and then just chilled by watching some television. 

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