Monday 24 June 2013

Stranded On An Island

Today I was watching an ask me anything video on YouTube and one of the questions sparked my interest; If you were stranded on a deserted island what three items would you take and why? So I decided to write a blog entry answering my personal opinion, because it makes you think creatively and keeps your brain young.

At first I thought of cheat ways, like a fully functioning powerboat, fuel for the journey and food to feed me for the duration of my time there, however I thought this was boring and really if I had those items, I wouldn't really be stranded. So I then started to think again.

My first item would be a solar powered car, because the likelihood of the deserted island being rainy all the time would be ridiculous so this way I would have transport around the island, which would save my energy. Also the car could act as shelter at night and would hopefully be comfortable.

My second item would be a kindle filled with books so that I could read to keep myself entertained. Also it wouldn't be hard to transport around and it is less likely to become damaged like a book. Now there may be a problem with power but this could be solved by using the lighter holder in the car with a portable car charger (this of course would be included in the car).

My final item would be a spear so that I could go into the sea and go hunting for fish. They could be cooked by finding parts of trees and using rocks, that would already be on the island and creating a fire. This would keep my energy levels up and would stop me from starving.

Now it's your turn, have a think what you would take and why and tell me if you like.

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