Thursday 27 June 2013


Over my lifetime I have considered many career paths before I ended up at wanting to act for a living. Most jobs had their problems, such as me not being smart enough to get the qualifications. So here are the main jobs that at some point in my life I have seriously considered.

First I wanted to be an A&E doctor, because I always wanted to help people and I watched shows like Casualty and it looked interesting to do. This job is something most people like the idea of, however the work load is high and most people avoid the job because of that. The reason that I avoided it was because I didn't feel that I could handle being responsible for other peoples lives.

Another job was archaeologist because i have always been interested in history and old things. The job seems really cool, to go to excavation sites and dig up fossils and artifacts and then analyse them, however I didn't personally feel that I had enough knowledge to undertake the job and would spend most of the time learning and would never feel confident enough on my own.

The other main job that I always wanted to do was being a crime scene investigator, because the job is challenging and it tests you. Also the job includes bringing people who have done wrong to justice through the power of science. Also I love CSI:NY and it seemed like such a cool job and I honestly thought that I would enjoy it, however the people who do the job are immensely clever and it would take me a long time to get to that level.

So I finally decided upon acting because it is something I am talented at and other people have told me to pursue acting. It is something I am passionate about and would love to do on a daily basis. It is a risky career path because lots of people want to do it, however I am determined to make it because it is my only viable option. 

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