Saturday 29 June 2013

Novel Extract

Here is a mini extract from chapter six where two of the main characters are trying to recruit some help from one of their former friends. At this point we are in Portugal and Donna is catching up with Jimmy after something has just gone down in a restaurant with her husband. So here it is:

The door of an old, shabby shanty about a mile away from the restaurant swung open and out stormed an angry and annoyed Jimmy screaming at the residents “Why don’t you go do that you pathetic losers? If you don’t want to tell me where he is I’ll go and find him myself you selfish, unhelpful…” He was now desperately thinking of something to say that could have an impact until finally he said “You err…err you…Portuguese people!” At this moment Donna came frantically running down a dusty path towards the shocked and surprised Jimmy. Once she reached him she started to stutter, but couldn’t get the words out due to her fast breathing. “What is it? Is Cormac in trouble?” he worryingly asked, to which he got the response he hadn’t hoped for, a simple yet frantic nod.

“About ten men followed us there and they attacked him, Jimmy, they savagely beat him and took him away. He got me out of the restaurant and took it.” She burst into tears at the thought of what the men could be doing to her husband. She fell to the ground and wept into her hands. Jimmy sat down and put his arm around her in an attempt to comfort her, but as he did she wiped her eyes and stood up. “Those men wanted what he knew, so they have to keep him alive, so let’s carry on searching for the treasure and work out how to get Cormac back later.” She strongly told Jimmy. “Have you got the stuff we need?” she asked Jimmy, who was now looking guilty. “What?” Her voice had a sense of annoyance now. Jimmy stood up and sighed.

“This is the house my contact used to live at, but the current residents don’t want to tell me anything because they are IDIOTS!” he yelled at the shanty. One of the residents now exited the house and walked up to the duo.

“Eu disse a ele que ele tem na casa errada, se ele está à procura de Michael, então ele precisa ir ao lado porta” screamed the small tanned man at Donna. Donna turned to Jimmy and hit him around the head.

“You idiot, your friend lives next door to these people.” She turned to the man “Peço desculpas, meu amigo é estúpido” Jimmy heard the last word and felt insulted at what she could said to the stranger. Donna then shook the man’s hand and walked to the house next door. Jimmy looked at the man and then quickly looked at the ground in embarrassment and walked after Donna.
Once they reached the door, Donna stopped Jimmy and removed his backpack. “What are you doing?” he asked in confusion. She didn’t answer, instead she simply opened it up and searched around, until she pulled out her husband’s black nine millimetre glock. She showed Jimmy and pulled a face as if to say ‘that’s what I was doing’ “How did that get there?” Jimmy pleaded innocently.

So if you have any thoughts or just want to tell me your opinion, you can either comment below, or send me a message via the Ask Me page. Hope you have enjoyed this extract as there is much more to come.

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